Raymond, who built the iMouse from our last post, was kind enough to send us the plans including a schematic. We had quite a few readers interested in how to build one so here's your chance. Give it a try and be sure to send us pics and stories of your attempts.
Raymond's plans (of which the image above is the schematic) follow:
Build your own iMouse
T3 ...............................2N2219a
C3 ...............................1 μF/16 V
C4,C5 .........................1 nF ker.
C6 trimmer capacitor...4-40 pF
C7 ...............................10 pF ker.
R5 Trimmer.................10 kΩ
R6 .............................. 10 kΩ
R7 ...............................2,7 kΩ
R8................................1 kΩ
Spool L1:
Use a 10 cm long Silver wire.
The diameter inside the spool should be 3 mm.
7 winds total
Length of the spool should be 15 mm (f-g)
The antenna is connected to the spool at 3mm from f
a: + 9volt
b: ground
c: audio in
Ground your audio input to b
For the antenna you can use a copper wire (70 cm)
With R5 you can adjust the input signal and with C6 you can tune your frequency.
[flickr photo page]