08 July 2006

iPod Shuffle Cover from Travel Band-Aid Box

csmNotes - iPod Shuffle Cover from Travel Band-Aid Box

Reader Chaz sent in this awesome Band-Aid shuffle cover hack!

First off, credit to Derek who posted the idea way back in August '05.

I found a ridiculous deal on 1G iPod Shuffles at Brand Smart back in November '05 (more than 35% off list; apparently they figured out they were losing money becuase they now price them at market.)

I couldn't justify (still can't) the cost of a bigger digital music player, but at the price I found them, and with this home-made cover and a cassette deck adapter, both my better-half and I have music in our pockets (and when I find some decent water-proof headphones, music to take into the pool for work-outs) and in the car for less than the price of the cheapest hard-drive based player (not including any accesories.) By the time these cases wear out, I'll have saved-up for two water-proof Otterbox covers (part of taking them swimming.)

Parts needed - an iPod shuffle, some travel-size Band-Aid cases, a small piece of anti-static foam (0.25"/o.65 mm thick), some scissors, and a small drill or other augering tool.

Check out the full instructions and along with pictures here.

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